A Free 3-week Bible Study

with Sarah Koontz
Study Released in October 2018
If you have ever wondered who Jesus Christ REALLY is or questioned His relevance in your life, I invite you to join us for the “Before I Go” study. All you need to complete this free online Bible study is 15-minutes per day and an e-mail address.
Jesus Christ stepped away from the crowds to spend His final moments with friends.
He knew His hour had come—His time on earth was short—so He did what any good leader would do: He offered tender instruction to His disciples, assured them of His love, and gave them one final assignment.
This detailed account of Jesus’ final words and actions in John 14-17 helps us see Jesus Christ for who He really is.
These words, penned by one of Jesus’ dearest friends, reveal the heart of the Man, the Messiah, and the Redeemer. They are the gospel truth that brings freedom, joy, and transformation into our lives.
- Understand Who Jesus Christ Is
- Receive the Free Gift of Salvation
- Invite others to Accept Jesus’ Invitation
- Study and Apply God’s Word to your Life
- Pray With Absolute Confidence
When we get to know who Jesus Christ really is—understand why He came to earth and humbled himself to the point of death upon the cross—we are completely transformed.
As you go through this three-week study, you will notice every day is titled with an action verb. They are actions you can do right now! And every single one of them is a reaction to what Jesus Christ has done for you.
Thanks to the generous donations we receive from our Support Team each month, this study will be offered free of charge to anyone who wishes to participate.
You will receive a welcome letter (+ a free gift) within an hour and the first devotional will arrive in your inbox tomorrow morning.
Please invite your friends to join us!
Topics Covered in our 21-day Study of John 14-17
Throughout the study, you will receive daily e-mails including a brief Scripture reading and devotional along with shareable quote graphics. I encourage you to set aside a minimum of 10-15 minutes per day to complete the study, but don’t be surprised if you are tempted to linger a while longer over Jesus’ powerful words.
Day 1: COME
Day 6: Free Gift
Day 7: Rest + Reflect
Day 8: ABIDE
Day 9: LOVE
Day 11: STUDY
Day 12: ASK
Day 13: Free Gift
Day 14: Rest + Reflect
Day 15: KNOW
Day 16: PRAY
Day 18: SEE
Day 19: SHARE
Day 20: Free Gift
Day 21: Rest + Reflect
The "Before I Go" Study Includes FREE Audio Downloads

We are excited to announce that we have included an audio version of the daily devotionals in each Before I Go e-mail—making it easier than ever to learn on the go! We understand how busy life can be and are committed to creating free tools and resources to help you succeed at Bible Study.
We like to think of our studies as fine dining flavors with the convenience of fast food. Each day is jam-packed with Biblical truth and practical application, yet it is easy to understand and can be completed on your mobile device. A perfect fit for the on-the-go lifestyle of twenty-first-century women!
We want Bible study to become the highlight of your day, not something you have to force yourself to do “just to keep up with the homework.” And we believe this audio version of the study will make it easier than ever for women to grow their faith on the go.
All of the daily Mp3 audios are less than 10-minutes long and include both the Scripture reading and devotional.
Free Digital Gifts from our Creative Partners
We have partnered with several talented Christian Creatives to develop digital gifts to complement the study material. As you can see above, we’ll dig deep for five days each week, and then we’ll take a bit of a break to enjoy the free digital gifts.

What People are Saying about the "Before I Go" Study

Hand-Lettered Shareable Graphics
Thank you for sharing the beautiful truths of this study with your friends on social media using #JESUSbeforeigo and livingbydesign.org/jesus. To download on your computer, choose an image, then right-click and select “save image as.” If you are on a handheld device, simply press and hold the image to save.

Shareable graphics created by Selena Ashley Designs.
Get to Know Your Bible Study Partner

Sarah Koontz invites Christians of all ages to explore the beauty of God’s design through her writing at LivingbyDesign.org. She is a passionate storyteller who enjoys using illustrations to communicate deep spiritual truths. Before I Go is Sarah’s fifth free online Bible study, and she hopes to write many more in the years to come.
Sarah and her husband, Ryan, have established a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization to support this ministry and invite you to partner with them in their mission to “Feed God’s Sheep.” Every $1 donated to our ministry helps 5 people receive free Bible study material in their inbox.
By continuing to provide our Bible-centered resources free of charge, we are able to overcome many barriers and reach women around the globe with the spiritual nourishment they crave.
Sarah and Ryan live on thirteen acres in the heart of the Black Hills, SD. They have two beautiful daughters, Anya and Nadia, a rowdy flock of chickens, and two cats. Sarah is an avid gardener, a faithful coffee drinker, lover of one-pot-dinners, and an unexpected homeschooler. When she’s not covered in dirt or caring for her family, Sarah loves to spend her weekends reading Historical Fiction and listening to Norah Jones on Pandora radio.
Connect with Living by Design Ministries on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Read our Statement of Faith Here.
Thank you to my husband and two daughters for having an abundance of grace and patience with me as I worked overtime to create this study. It takes several months for me to research, write, compile, and launch a study; I couldn’t have done it without the faithful support of our team.
To the Living by Design Ministries’ Board of Directors, thank you for helping me carry the weight of fundraising, strategizing, and protecting the mission and vision of this ministry. To our Pastoral Council Members, thank you for offering a thorough theological review of all our studies before they launch. To our Creative Team, thank you for the countless hours you invest in helping me “put all the pieces together.” To our Support Team, thank you for your faithful donations to help cover the costs of these studies so we can offer them free of charge. To our Prayer Team, thank you for covering this ministry in prayer on a daily basis. To our Creative Partners, thank you for donating physical and digital gifts to make this Bible Study experience even more memorable for our participants. To our Bible Study Launch Team, thank you for your early reviews and enthusiastic sharing of our studies.
And to my Heavenly Father, thank you for calling and equipping me for this task. It is an honor and privilege to serve the body of Christ in this manner. I pray that my life and my words bring glory to Your Name.
Sarah Koontz
Sign Up for "Before I Go"
You will receive a welcome letter (+ digital gift) within the next hour and the first devotional will arrive in your inbox tomorrow morning.
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