A Free 31-Day Study of Ephesians
Released October 2017 | Updated March 2021
Do you sometimes feel you are too busy for Bible study? Do you long to grow in your Christian faith, yet struggle to find the right place to start?
I’ve got great news for you! This 31-day study on the book of Ephesians was created for busy women just like you.
All you need to complete the study is 15 minutes per day and your mobile device.
Finally, a way to dig deeper into God’s Word in those precious few moments before the kids wake up and start making demands—while you are stuck in the drive-through line at school—at the end of the day when you’ve just got enough energy to lay in bed and scroll through your phone.
And with all the free goodies packed into this study, you’ll be excited to open your inbox and click on the daily e-mails.
The beautiful truths of Ephesians will teach you:
- How to root your life in God’s Word.
- How to access your spiritual wealth.
- How God’s work empowers your walk.
- What it means to be alive in Christ.
- How to love because you are loved.
- How to pray with perseverance.
- How to foster your spiritual gifts.
As I dug into Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, I discovered so many powerful truths meant to equip all Christians to walk Worthy of the Calling.
I invite you to join me for this 31-day journey through the book of Ephesians. Come as you are, but expect to be transformed by the radical love of your gracious Heavenly Father.
2021 Update: Printable & Audio Version NOW Included!

Our team is dedicated to creating resources that help you learn God’s Word in a way that works for you—whether you are a visual learner, a kinesthetic learner, or an auditory learner.
Not only did we go back through and update the study material, but we also created a printable version, a going-deeper guide created by Sandra Bretschneider, and an audio version.
We understand how busy life can be and are committed to creating free tools and resources to help you succeed at Bible Study.
We hope that these additional resources will help even more people benefit from this transformative study of Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus.
Topics Covered in our 31-day Study of Ephesians
Throughout the study, you will receive daily e-mails including a brief Scripture reading and devotional along with shareable quote graphics. I encourage you to set aside a minimum of 10-15 minutes per day to complete the study, but don’t be surprised if you are tempted to linger a while longer over Jesus’ powerful words.
Welcome Letter—Free Prayer Cards + Reading Guide
Day 1: You are a Faithful Saint
Day 2: You were Chosen by God
Day 3: Your Imperishable Inheritance
Day 4: A Lesson in Prayer
Day 5: You are Spiritually Alive
Day 6: Free Gift—Mp3 Song Download
Day 7: Rest + Reflect (Coloring Sheet Download)
Day 8: You were Created for Good Works
Day 9: You are Reconciled to God
Day 10: You are a Coheir with Christ
Day 11: You have Access to God
Day 12: You are Rooted in Love
Day 13: Free Gift—4 Ephesians Inspired Bookmarks
Day 14: Rest + Reflect (Coloring Sheet Download)
Day 15: Your Biblical Job Description
Day 16: Foster Your Spiritual Gifts
Day 17: Turn from Your Former Life
Day 18: Do Not Give the Devil a Foothold
Day 19: Become Imitators of God
Day 20: Free Gift—3 iPhone Lock Screens
Day 21: Rest + Reflect (Coloring Sheet Download)
Day 22: Walk as Children of the Light
Day 23: Godly Wisdom in an Ungodly World
Day 24: Love Because You Are Loved
Day 25: Become Slaves of Christ
Day 26: Put On Your Armor Daily
Day 27: Free Gift— PDF of Bible Study Links
Day 28: Rest + Reflect (Coloring Sheet Download)
Day 29: Pray At All Times
Day 30: Embrace Grace-Filled Living
Day 31: An Invitation to Continue the Journey
Free Digital Gifts from our Creative Partners
We have partnered with several talented Christian Creatives to develop digital gifts to complement the study material. As you can see above, we’ll dig deep for five days each week, and then we’ll take a bit of a break to enjoy the free digital gifts.

What People are Saying about "Worthy of the Calling"

Shareable "Worthy of the Calling" Graphics
Thank you for sharing the beautiful truths of this study with your friends on social media using the hashtag #worthyofthecalling and the URL livingbydesign.org/worthy. To download on your computer, choose an image, then right-click and select “save image as.” If you are on a handheld device, simply press and hold the image to save.

Get to Know Your Bible Study Partner

Sarah Koontz invites Christians of all ages to explore the beauty of God’s design through her writing at LivingbyDesign.org. She is a passionate storyteller who enjoys using illustrations to communicate deep spiritual truths.
Sarah and her husband, Ryan, have established a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization to support this ministry and invite you to partner with them in their mission to “Feed God’s Sheep.” Every $1 donated to our ministry helps 5 people receive free Bible study material in their inbox.
By continuing to provide our Bible-centered resources free of charge, we are able to overcome many barriers and reach women around the globe with the spiritual nourishment they crave.
Sarah and Ryan live on thirteen acres in the heart of the Black Hills, SD. They have two beautiful daughters, Anya and Nadia, a rowdy flock of chickens, and a house full of foster cats. Sarah is an avid gardener, a faithful coffee drinker, lover of one-pot-dinners, an unexpected homeschooler, and a Dallas Seminary student. When she’s not covered in dirt or caring for her family, Sarah loves to spend her weekends reading Historical Fiction and listening to Norah Jones on Pandora radio.
Connect with Living by Design Ministries on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Read our Statement of Faith.
Sign Up for "Worthy of the Calling"
You will receive a welcome letter (+ digital gift ) within an hour and the first devotional will arrive in your inbox tomorrow morning.
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