Living by Design Ministries equips christian women to
Explore the beauty of God's design, establish godly lives, and exude God's love.
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At Living by Design Ministries, we believe God’s Word is the only source of absolute truth in a world that praises tolerance and ambiguity. We exist to help women of all ages open their Bibles, understand what they are reading, and apply the freeing truths to their lives. – Sarah Koontz, Founder

The Living by Design Blog
Articles on the Living by Design Blog are packed with heart-focused content, practical solutions for real-life, and Bible-based training. The Bible is packed with spiritual nourishment; our aim is to provide resources to help you break it down into bite-sized pieces that are easy to digest.

5 Biblical Truths About a Godly Work Ethic
By Felicia Harris-Russell Does working from your heart come naturally to you, or are half-hearted efforts a continual struggle? I’ve answered yes to both questions at some point in my life. However, as my relationship with the Lord deepened, so did my work ethic. My mindset and approach to life also changed, including how I

How to Reconnect with God After Loss
By Amber Ginter It was 4:38 a.m. on a Tuesday in February. My brother passed away from an overdose the day before Valentine’s Day. Losing a loved one is one of life’s most painful experiences. No matter how much we prepare, grief is inevitable, and the aftermath comes in waves. Instead of taking time to

Is it Time to Hit the Spiritual Reset Button?
By Jill Miller Anyone who works in an office with an Information Technology (IT) staff learns one thing fast: Before you call the helpline with a problem, shut down your computer, restart it, and try again. It’s surprising how many times this works. I can’t begin to comprehend the inner workings of computers, but sometimes

3 Ways God’s Word Helps Us Overcome Fear
By Julia Sexil Nightfall would set in soon, and my mountain hiking adventure was far from complete. I needed another two hours to reach my destination on the other side of the lake. The more darkness crept in, the more my imagination gripped me. The trail had once appeared straight and clear, but now seemed

8 Simple Steps to Reset Your Prayer Life
By Anna Moore Ask the most mature person of faith you know about their prayer life, and they likely have something they want to improve about it. Prayer is an essential spiritual discipline of the Christian faith. We have the privilege to make our praises and petitions known to the Lord. We find comfort in

5 Spiritual Routines to Develop as a Family
By Grace Thomas Does your family struggle with developing spiritual routines? My family has, especially as we navigate life with a newborn and toddler. Just like regular rhythms can help us, spiritual routines can provide a lifeline in busy times, anchor us, and streamline our days. So, how can we develop spiritual routines when life
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