Free Bible Study Challenge | Living by Design Ministries

This interactive challenge is packed with tips and resources to help you successfully commit to a Bible study routine, courageously invite others to join you for the journey, and actively seek to unite your heart with other Christians. 

Christian woman reading her Bible | Free Bible Study Challenge at

Article by Sarah Koontz, Founder of Living by Design Ministries

I’m afraid my kids inherited the impatience gene from their mom. Or, maybe, they learned it from our fast-food culture.

We want it all. Right now. Super-sized.

This insatiable desire for instant gratification has had a profound impact on my ability to maintain a Bible study routine over the years.

Maybe you can relate?

My short attention span hasn’t helped either. Oh, and neither has Instagram.

It seems I spend half my Bible study time trying to get the perfect snap of my open Bible and cooling coffee.

Please tell me I’m not the only one.

Instead of feeling guilty and defeated by our BSADD (Bible Study Attention Deficit Disorder), it’s time for us to get proactive about establishing an efficient, gratifying, and relatable Bible study routine.

Our team has created an exciting new resource that will help you do just that, and I can’t wait to share all the details with you in today’s blog post.

But before we move forward together, I’d like to share an important piece of my history with you.

Are you ready to get proactive about establishing an efficient, gratifying, and shareable Bible study routine? Join us for the Free Bible Study Challenge! Click to Tweet

Christian woman struggling with her personal relationship with God | Free Bible Study Challenge at

Desperate for Change

A few years ago, I hit an all-time spiritual low.

My calendar was packed, my energy was non-existent, and my life felt like it was spiraling out of control.

It seemed that I had no time to spend with God, no energy to dedicate to spiritual growth, and no room in my schedule for Christian community.

So I did the only logical thing, given my circumstance—I complained to my husband.

Knowing that I married a long-suffering man, I expected him to respond to my languishing with an abundance of compassion and possibly a foot rub.

I could not have been more wrong!

After patiently listening to me ramble about how tired I was and how far I felt from God and how busy I was and how everything felt out of control and how I just…

Ok, I think you get the point.

My sweet husband patiently listened to me complain about all the things before he offered up his (oh-so-practical-and-convicting) solution.

“Well, what are you going to do about it, Sarah? Because, in my experience, real problems never go away on their own. If you aren’t happy with your spiritual life, then do something about it. True, lasting change doesn’t just happen; we’ve got to make it happen.”

You see, I had unwittingly bought into the lie that my walk with God would get better when…

My kids were older.
My health problems were resolved.
My schedule wasn’t so demanding.

My husband’s gentle rebuke helped me see that true change always comes from the inside out. It is something we must choose to pursue even when our circumstances are less than ideal.

True change always comes from the inside out. It is something we must choose to pursue even when our circumstances are less than ideal. Click to Tweet

A Christian Woman enjoying her Free Bible Study material from Living by Design Ministries

Changed From The Inside Out

Four long years have passed since we had that conversation, and I can honestly say that everything has changed in my life except my circumstances.

I am still in-over-my-head raising children.
I am still struggling with health issues.
I am still overwhelmed by a demanding schedule.

But I am closer to God than I have ever been before. I am committed to daily Bible study and invested in a vibrant, growing Christian community. I have peace and purpose in the midst of the chaos of life.

And God has transformed my personal struggle into a passion for building a bridge between busy women and the Bible.

All because I chose to stop complaining and start changing my life from the inside out.

Change is challenging and sometimes we need to be challenged to change!

That is why we decided to create this exciting new Free Bible Study Challenge for our community.

We want to help you experience the transformative power of God’s Word and God’s work in your life, especially in the midst of the chaos and unchangeable circumstances of life.

Change is challenging and sometimes we need to be challenged to change. Click to Tweet

Two christian women studying the Bible together in the kitchen | Free Bible Study Challenge at

Learn More About Our Free Bible Study Challenge

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, certain that God is appealing through us. We plead on Christ’s behalf, ‘Be reconciled to God.’ He made the One who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” 2 Corinthians 5:20-21

One brief conversation between a frustrated wife and her practical husband sparked a global Bible study movement. Sarah Koontz’ desire to help busy Christian women inspired her to establish a non-profit ministry intent on creating free Bible study resources.  In the past few years, we’ve delivered more than 28,600 free Bible studies to inboxes around the world. We currently have seven unique and inspiring Bible studies available on-demand through our ministry website and are always working on creating new resources for our readers.

The purpose of this simple Bible study challenge is to equip and empower Christian women to study the Bible together in community.

As we help you personally experience the transformative power of God’s Word, we will also encourage you to share that experience with others.

The purpose of this simple Bible study challenge is to equip and empower Christian women to study the Bible together in community. Click to Tweet

Our Free Bible Study Challenge was crafted to help you take the next step in your Bible study journey, no matter where you are starting from! If you don’t currently have a Bible study routine, we will help you establish one. If you don’t currently have a Bible study community, we will equip you to build one. If you aren’t currently experiencing unity with other Christians, we will inspire you to pursue it. #biblestudy #christianwomen #community

Our Free Bible Study Challenge was crafted to help you take the next step in your Bible study journey, no matter where you are starting from!

  • If you don’t currently have a Bible study routine, we will help you establish one.
  • If you don’t currently have a Bible study community, we will equip you to build one.
  • If you aren’t currently experiencing unity with other Christians, we will inspire you to pursue it.

And once we’ve helped you build momentum in one (or all) of these areas, we continue to connect you with free resources and tools that will help you endure long after this challenge is complete.

Register for our Free Bible Study Challenge Today!

Reserve your spot today! You will receive a welcome letter right away and the first lesson (+printable worksheets) will land in your inbox within 24-hours.

We will be giving all participants an opportunity to share their testimonies with us at the end of the challenge. Our team is looking forward to hearing your stories and will be praying for you (and your Bible study communities) every day of the challenge.

Your Bible Study Partner, Sarah Koontz

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Picture of About the Author: Sarah Koontz

About the Author: Sarah Koontz

Sarah Koontz is the founder of Living by Design Ministries, a non-profit organization that exists to deliver free Bible Studies to inboxes around the world. She is a passionate storyteller who enjoys using illustrations to communicate deep spiritual truths. Sarah and her husband Ryan live on thirteen acres in the heart of the Black Hills, SD. They have two beautiful daughters, a rowdy flock of chickens, and a house full of foster kittens. Sarah is an avid gardener, a faithful coffee drinker, lover of one-pot-dinners, an unexpected homeschooler, and a Dallas Seminary student.

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