Five Things God Sees (Even When We Don’t!)

woman's eyes in the dark with twinkkle lights | God sees

By Joanna Eccles

I was near the edge of my sanity. The day before, my boss had provided harsh feedback that crushed my spirit. Nothing I did pleased her.

I felt like I was drowning, pulled apart in a spiritual battle. The Holy Spirit kept reminding me to write Scripture verses to feed my mind on truth. 

Tears tickled the edges of my eyes as I tried to hold in the pain. Though I couldn’t see it, hope was on the way. 

After lunch, a message flashed in my inbox. The job I wanted just became available, and they asked me to apply. 

Praise the Lord! While I was in one part of the building in deep anguish, I was unaware of the people in the other office preparing the vacancy announcement. 

God saw all the moving parts of my story. He saw the situation unfold and knew that I would receive the job He’d prepared for me. My limited vision hampered my belief in God’s provision.  

Though I thought the end of my career was near, God ushered in a new beginning. 

I started thinking. What exactly does God see? How does His vision impact my ability to trust Him? 

The Bible reveals that God sees many things that I cannot.

What exactly does God see? The Bible reveals that God sees many things that I cannot. Click to Tweet
woman looking at paper lantern with twinkle lights in the background | God sees

1 – God Sees Our Thoughts

“Before a word is on my tongue, You know all about it, LORD.” Psalm 139:4 HCSB

Sometimes ideas rush through my head at lightning speed. In the chaos, I have no idea what I am thinking. When I slow down, I try to examine what I am doing and why. 

As I read the Bible to collect my thoughts, God’s Word exposes my heart.  

Hebrews 4:12 NASB says, “For the word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, even penetrating as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

While my understanding is finite, God fully sees my every thought and comprehends my motivations. 

While my understanding is finite, God fully sees my every thought and comprehends my motivations. Click to Tweet

2 – God Sees in the Dark

“If I say, ‘Surely the darkness will overwhelm me, and the light around me will be night,’ Even darkness is not dark to You, and the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to You.” Psalm 119:11-12 NASB

Sometimes, dark thoughts try to creep in at night while I lie in bed. If I’m not careful, lies from Satan can become intertwined with the fabric of my heart. I can wallow in doubt and dread that my circumstances will never change.

My hurt is not hidden from God. He has perfect vision 24 hours a day. He sees my fears in the shadows and shines a light to expose lies.

The night will not overcome me. God looks beyond my heartache to show me hope for the future. 

woman looking at twinkle lights dark night | God sees

3 – God Sees Our Paths and Our Future

“For the ways of everyone are before the eyes of the Lord, And He observes all his paths.” Proverbs 5:21 NASB

Some roads I’ve traveled have made no sense to me. I can’t figure out how I got there or where I am going. I thought God had led me to my original job, yet it had felt like a wilderness. 

God also led Moses into a desert. Sometimes we have to cross through dry spaces to get to the promised land. My new job is a much healthier work environment.

God not only knew why I was on that path but also saw the trajectory of where I would travel.

Only God can be in the present and the future simultaneously. 

Deuteronomy 31:8 HCSB says, “The Lord is the One who will go before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid or discouraged.” 

God walks beside me while preparing a way in advance, so my footsteps do not slip. He is always with me and will never abandon me. 

God walks beside me while preparing a way in advance, so my footsteps do not slip. He is always with me and will never abandon me. Click to Tweet

4 – God Sees the Spiritual Realm

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12 NASB

Though we can’t see it with our human eyes, the spiritual realm is even more lasting than the physical realm. The things we see will pass away, but the unseen things are eternal (2 Cor 4:18). 

When I ignore the reality of the spiritual war that wages, I can blame my boss for my distress instead of my true enemy. 

God sees the spiritual realm superimposed on the physical realm as if they were one. Often our problems on earth are manifestations of the battle in the heavens. Our burdens may have spiritual causes. 

For me to increase my awareness of the spiritual realm, I need to be in tune with the Holy Spirit. Then I can discern when to pray against the devil instead of grumble about my workplace. 

The eyes of the Lord see so much that mine miss. His sight far surpasses mine. He knows and understands my immediate surroundings and how they play into His greater purposes. 

woman outdoor greenery lighting | god sees

5 – God Sees His Own

“For the eyes of the Lord roam throughout the earth, so that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.” 2 Chronicles 16:9a NASB 

I desire to live a life that is upright in the eyes of the Lord. Then, the Lord will support me along the path until it reaches Him. 

God sees that the tears I cry on the road I travel will lead to a bountiful harvest of joy if I will keep obeying Him. I just can’t see that far when past hurts blur my vision.

The Lord sees the joy that comes in the morning (Ps 30:5). He doesn’t lead us on narrow ways to destroy us, but to build us up in Him. 

Jesus Himself endured the cross and despised its shame for the joy set before Him (Heb 12:2). That joy was our reconciliation to the Father. He allows temporary pain for long-term good.

Even when I don’t see what God is doing, He’s not ignoring me. The Lord always fights for His children. He makes a way for me regardless of what I see in my circumstances. 

Even when I don’t see what God is doing, He’s not ignoring me. The Lord always fights for His children. Click to Tweet


Sometimes, I want to see the future to try to control my life. I figure that if only God had written down my route like GPS instructions, I wouldn’t have wound up in a challenging position. 

But knowing me, even if I had it all spelled out, I would still mess up. I need to take life one day at a time.

Matthew 6:34 HCSB says, “Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

God will give me His supernatural strength to handle both physical and spiritual problems the moment I need it, but not before. 

Because I serve the God Who sees all I can and more, I can trust His vision for my future. 

The same God sees you too. Trust His vision for you. 

-Joanna Eccles

Joanna Eccles founded Words from the Honeycomb to share sweet words to encourage people in Christ. She has led Bible studies for over a decade and desires to shape culture through her writing by addressing truths in relatable ways. Joanna can’t wake up without a cup of coffee, loves reading, and lives in Virginia. Connect with Joanna on Facebook and Twitter.

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