Article by: Sarah Koontz
I need thee every hour
Most gracious Lord
No tender voice like thine
Can peace afford
I am overcome by my own smallness. My lack. My need.
I need thee, O I need thee;
every hour I need thee;
O bless me now, my Savior,
I come to thee.
My eyes drift upward in search of something more.
I need thee every hour
Stay thou near by
Temptations loose their power
When thou art nigh
I am longing for the nearness of God; I am praying for strength to overcome.
If the words of this classic hymn, “I Need Thee Every Hour,” penned by Annie Sherwood Hawks, speak to the current condition of your soul, I have some very encouraging truth to share with you today.
But first, a little insight into the origin and author of this song.

Annie was a 37-year-old wife and mother of three. She was busy with her normal household tasks on a sunny, June morning, when, in her own words:
“Suddenly, I became so filled with the sense of nearness to the Master that, wondering how one could live without Him, either in joy or pain, these words were ushered into my mind, the thought at once taking full possession of me—I need Thee every hour!”
She was a wife and mom, just like me.
She was in her mid-thirties, just like me.
She needed God to get through the day, just like me.
And, maybe, just like you too!
Shortly after the words were set to music by her pastor, Dr. Robert Lowry, a prominent writer of Gospel songs, she realized that it was having a profound impact on people who were going through difficult times.
Join us for a 30-day journey through Scripture as we study the names of God! Click to TweetThis surprised Annie because she penned the simple words on a normal day in a normal fashion.
Hawks later revealed her own thoughts about the song, “At first I did not understand why the hymn so greatly touched the throbbing heart of humanity. Years later, however, under the shadow of a great loss, I came to understand something of the comforting power of the words I had been permitted to give out to others in my hours of sweet serenity and peace.” [source]
God often reveals Himself to us when we are doing ordinary things on ordinary days.
He regularly equips us for an unknown future in ways we don’t fully understand until the future is upon us. His work in our lives has one aim: To teach us how to live in dependence upon Him for all things.
I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know both how to have a little, and I know how to have a lot. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being content—whether well fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need. I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me. -The Apostle Paul, from Philippians 4:11-13
God often reveals Himself to us when we are doing ordinary things on ordinary days. Click to TweetIn order for us to experience this kind of trusting relationship with God, we must first take the time to get to know Him.
For how can one trust a God she does not know?

Know God’s Truth & You Will Know the God of Truth
You have ransomed me, O LORD, God of truth. Psalm 31:5b NASB
God’s truth, contained in Scripture, reveals El Emet “the God of truth” to us.
The Hebrew word, emet, refers to something that grabs hold of and supports something else.
Knowledge of God’s truth holds us secure and supports us throughout all life’s trials and tribulations.
He never wavers.
His truth is reliable.
We can depend on Him.
El Emet is a name of God that inspires action—know God’s truth, and you will know the God of truth.
There are many different names for God revealed throughout Scripture. Each one gives us unique insight into His character.
When we take time to study God’s names, we build a foundation of faith that is strong enough to withstand the harshest storms of life.
Knowledge of God's truth holds us secure and supports us throughout all life’s trials and tribulations. Click to TweetFor this reason, I’d like to invite you to join us for our free Bible study entitled, “RescYOUed: A 30-Day Study of God our Rescuer.“
This e-mail based Bible Study consists of twenty-two lessons delivered over the course of thirty days (with two rest-days each week) including Scripture readings, devotionals, shareable graphics, and digital gifts from our Creative Partners.
Each day we will study a different name of God and meet new biblical characters who experienced God’s divine rescue.

7 Reasons to Study the Names of God
1. You will be INSPIRED to walk with God.
No single name can adequately cover all that God is. Each different name of God reveals a different aspect of His character, attributes, and nature. The more we understand who God, is the more we will desire to walk with God.
2. You will be EQUIPPED to live a holy life.
Proverbs 18:10 says, “The name of Yahweh is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are protected.” Studying God’s names gives us the power and protection we need to live holy lives. When we know who He is, we can be safe and secure in who He says we are.
3. You will find SUSTENANCE for your soul.
A limited view of God starves our soul. When we do not know Him, we cannot know how to rely on Him for all our spiritual needs. By taking the time to grow in our understanding of the Lord, we gain access to spiritual nourishment we previously lacked.
A limited view of God starves our soul. When we do not know Him, we cannot know how to rely on Him for all our spiritual needs. Click to Tweet4. You find HOPE in any circumstance.
One name for God that I especially love is, El Shaddai, “The All-Sufficient One.” This name reminds us that God is able to triumph over every obstacle and all opposition. He is sufficient!
5. You will be BLESSED with fresh insight.
When we look inside, we are easily overwhelmed by our own smallness and insignificance. When we look around, we are utterly overcome by the lack of resources surrounding us. When we look up, we are quickly overtaken by peace and power that comes from God alone. Studying the names of God reminds us to look up when we are tempted to direct our gaze elsewhere.
6. You will find DIRECTION for your life.
We serve a God who hears the cries of the afflicted and sees the tears of the oppressed. When our faith is rooted in an intimate knowledge of God’s character, we can follow His instruction with humble obedience. Our tendency to ask “why” is replaced with a willingness to say “yes” even when we don’t understand.
7. You will KNOW God’s character.
All of God’s names reveal his attributes, character, and nature. When we know His names, we know Him. This is so important! In the words of A. W. Tozer, “What I believe about God is the most important thing about me.” Studying God’s names will help to increase your faith and strengthen your belief in His ability to care for you.
All of God’s names reveal his attributes, character, and nature. When we know His names, we know Him. Click to Tweet
Join us for the Free RescYOUed Bible Study
Our free RescYOUed Bible Study will take you on a journey through Scripture in search of God’s great rescue plan for you and me.
If you’ve ever doubted God’s ability (or desire) to rescue you from physical, emotional, or spiritual bondage, we invite you to join us for this free online Bible study.
As we explore the stories of twenty-two different biblical characters, we will discover the many different ways God rescues his people.
All you need to complete the free online Bible study is 15-minutes per day and an e-mail address.
Register today for 'RescYOUed', a free online Bible study on the names of God as revealed through Scripture + God's divine rescue plan for His people. Click to Tweet
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