Article by: Sarah Koontz
Registration is now open for our RescYOUed Bible Study!
Our free RescYOUed Bible Study will take you on a journey through Scripture in search of God’s great rescue plan for you and me.
If you’ve ever doubted God’s ability (or desire) to rescue you from physical, emotional, or spiritual bondage, we invite you to join us for this free online Bible study.
As we explore the stories of twenty-two different biblical characters, we will discover the many different ways God rescues his people.
All you need to complete the free online Bible study is 15-minutes per day and an e-mail address.
Join us for this 30-day journey through Scripture in search of God's great rescue plan. It's free! Click to Tweet5 quick facts about the RescYOUed Bible Study:
- It’s convenient! The study comes straight to your e-mail each day.
- It’s quick! You can complete the study in less than 15-minutes per day.
- It’s free! And who doesn’t love FREE?!?
- You get rest days! The study follows five days on/two days off format.
- You get bonus gifts! We’ve packed the study with lots of digital freebies.
Not only is this 30-day Bible study offered completely free of charge, but it also includes weekly digital downloads of these RescYOUed inspired items including:
- Hand-Drawn Coloring Pages by Megan Wells {MakeWells}
- Bible Journaling Printables by Amanda Player {Sweet Frog Print Shop}
- Hand-Lettered Lock Screens by Neely Beattie {One Acre Designs}
- Going-Deeper Guide by Sandra Bretschneider
- Bible Journaling Printables by Pauline Moncada {The Faithful HeART Shop}
- Colorable Bookmarks by Karla Dornacher {KarlaDornacher.com}
- Pocket Prayer Cards by Allie Trumpower {AllieScraps.com}
- Bible Journaling Printables by Ashley Sanford {APileOfAshes.com}
Register today and don’t forget to invite your girlfriends to join us. Bible study is always more fun with friends!
You will receive a welcome letter (+ digital gift pack) after confirming your subscription and the first devotional will arrive in your inbox within 24 hours.

Online. Free. Bible Study Reinvented.
Living by Design Ministries offers a low-risk Bible study solution for the average Christian.
We exist to help believers of all ages open their Bibles, understand what they are reading, and apply the freeing truths to their lives.
By creating free resources that are delivered digitally, we provide a practical solution for Christians who desire to study their Bible but don’t have the time or resources to engage in other programs.
Our exegetical (Bible-centered) studies are free and easy to complete. They can be completed entirely on a mobile device, and are convenient to share with friends and family.
Don’t let the price tag on our Bible studies fool you!
When it was all said and done, I estimate that our Creative Team invested more than 300 hours into making this free online Bible study extraordinary for you.
The only way we can offer such high-quality content with a $0 price tag is because of the generosity of our financial donors and volunteers.
No matter what it costs us, we are committed to providing free resources to help women understand and apply God’s Word.
The team at Living by Design Ministries is committed to providing free resources to help women understand and apply God's Word. Click to TweetThe in-depth material, quality design, and free digital gifts we offer with each study set us apart from the crowd.
Today, we want to give you a glimpse inside the RescYOUed Bible study and introduce you to a very special Creative Partner who played a major role in the development of this study.
A Glimpse Inside the RescYOUed Bible Study
Over a thirty-day period of time, we will study twenty-two different stories recorded in fifteen different books of the Bible.
Our mission? To discover the many ways God chose to reveal Himself as our rescuer throughout Scripture.
We will explore the experiences of several biblical characters and dig deep into the meaning of the names used for God throughout Scripture.
And through it all, we will seek to apply what we are learning to our lives in a very practical way.
Sounds like an adventure, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, I’ll be with you every step of the way!
Discover the many ways God chose to reveal Himself as our rescuer throughout Scripture in this free online Bible Study. #RescYOUedStudy Click to TweetHere’s just a taste of what type of material you will receive from our team throughout the RescYOUed Bible study.
Learn 22 Biblical Names for God

The God of the Bible is so incredible, no single name can adequately cover all that He is.
Proverbs 18:10 says, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.”
God’s names represent His character, attributes, and nature.
Each day of the RescYOUed study, we will explore a different name of God. We will discover new qualities of His character and gain fresh insight into His person.
Meet 22 Different Bible Characters

RescYOUed is a free Bible study exploring the many ways God rescues His people from physical, emotional, and spiritual bondage.
Each day we will meet a biblical character who experienced God’s rescue.
Although many of these stories are familiar to you, it is my desire to help you see these characters with fresh eyes.
As we dig beneath the surface of their stories, we will discover how each one faced seemingly insurmountable obstacles at some point in their faith journey.
Register today for RescYOUed, a free, online Bible study exploring the many ways God rescues His people from physical, emotional, and spiritual bondage. Click to TweetWe will also see the beauty God worked into their stories of suffering.
The three most powerful takeaways from this study are:
- Suffering is part of the sanctification process.
- Trials build a foundation for our testimony.
- Divine rescue doesn’t always feel like deliverance.
I truly believe this is the most powerful study I’ve ever written for Living by Design Ministries and I am humbled and grateful to the Lord for guiding and directing me every step of the way.
Engage All Your Senses In Bible Study

God has woven each of us together in a beautifully unique way, and He wants to meet us right where we are!
Psalm 139:13-14 says, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”
Some of us learn by reading.
Some of us learn by doing.
Some of us learn by hearing.
And most of us learn by doing a combination of these three activities.
For this reason, our team is dedicated to creating resources that help you learn God’s Word in a way that works for you.
Our team is dedicated to creating resources that help you learn God’s Word in a way that works for you. #RescYOUedStudy Click to TweetWe include an audio version with our daily devotionals and free digital gifts to help engage all your senses in Bible study. Whether you are a visual learner, a kinesthetic learner, or an auditory learner—this study has something for you!
What People are Saying about RescYOUed

I pray your time spent here has been worthwhile, and I hope you join us for the RescYOUed Bible study.
The most amazing thing about Bible study is God meets us where we are at. Click to TweetI look forward to hearing your stories of Divine rescue!

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