Donations will be Doubled through December 13! | 2022 Matching Fund Drive

three jars with money in them categorized as give, save, spend | 2022 Fall Fundraiser at Living by Design Ministries

Article by: Sarah Koontz

Living by Design Ministries is a non-denominational, non-profit Christian ministry that delivers free Bible studies to inboxes worldwide. We exist to help believers of all ages open their Bibles, understand what they are reading, and apply the freeing truths to their lives.

Through free online Bible studies, Christ-centered blog articles, faith-building social media content, and Bible-focused SOULfood e-mails, the staff and volunteers of Living by Design Ministries show their love for Jesus Christ by diligently and faithfully feeding His sheep (Jn. 21:17).

During our first five years as a nonprofit, Living by Design Ministries has:

  • Reached 862,000+ people in 209 countries with our Bible-centered blog posts.
  • Welcomed 42,000+ subscribers into our Bible study community.
  • Delivered 70,854 free Bible studies to inboxes around the world.
  • Shared Bible-focused content with 1,000,000+ people on social media.

But, more importantly, we have boldly proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ around the globe and transformed countless lives in the process. 

Amanda from South Africa Bio Picture | 2022 Fall Fundraiser at Living by Design Ministries

“I was retrenched (laid-off) from my job during the pandemic, and would not have been able to participate in multiple Bible studies this year if there had been a cost associated with them. It is so encouraging to know that there are people who care about my spiritual growth and are willing to invest in this free Bible study ministry.” – Amanda from South Africa

I believe the reason for our growth is three-fold:

1. We are meeting a need within the Christian community.
2. We are creating resources that are easy for people to access.
3. Our readers are supporting us financially and sharing our studies.

Are you familiar with the concept of synergy?

It goes something like this…

1+1+1 equals a whole lot more than 3

Our ministry team can accomplish numbers one and two on our own, but without your help in achieving number three, there is no synergy.

Sadly, 1+1 just equals 2.

This is a painfully humbling reality I face every single day.

I can write. I can strategize. I can lead. But the growth, the reach, and the impact of our ministry are 100% beyond my control.

Praise the Lord!

I don’t have to carry this burden alone, and I can’t take credit when our community grows and thrives.

God has a beautiful way of protecting us (from pride) and binding us together with other believers, doesn’t He?

Building a Bridge Between God’s People and God’s Word

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. – John 8:32

Over the past several years, God has clarified His purpose for this ministry in my heart. He has shown me the ONE thing we are ALL about.

It can be summed up in two words: Bible Literacy.

Everything we do at Living by Design is motivated by our desire to build a bridge between God’s people and God’s Word.

There is freedom to be found in the truth-filled pages of our Bibles.

Yet they often remain on our shelves collecting dust while we try to tackle life’s problems in our own strength.

The statistics are truly compelling!

According to the Barna Research Group’s 2022 State of the Bible, “Nearly four in ten Americans say they never read the Bible outside of church services or Mass. Another two in 10 say they read it on their own no more than twice a year. That leaves another four in 10 reading on their own at least three times a year (Bible Users). Those who read daily amount to 10 percent of all Americans.”

I don’t say this to condemn, just to inform.

Priscilla from Texas bio picture | 2022 Fall Fundraiser at Living by Design Ministries

I have been connected to Living by Design Ministries for about three years. I like Sarah’s approach because she makes me feel like a friend. Whenever I get a free Bible study lesson or SOULfood e-mail, she calls me by name and makes it feel personal. If you are looking for a sound Bible study that will make you go hmmm, step on your toes, and positively impact your life, try Living by Design!” – Priscilla from Texas

This is a spiritual battle. The enemy doesn’t want us to know the truth, nor does he want us to experience freedom. His most effective strategy is to keep us busy, distracted, and disconnected from God’s Word.

Research also shows that more than two-thirds of users now search for Bible content online (77%), and another 68 percent use a Bible app on their phones.

This number has steadily increased since 2011 and shows no signs of slowing down.

This number is why our ministry exists!

At Living by Design Ministries, we believe God’s Word is the only source of absolute truth in a world that praises tolerance and ambiguity. That is why we strive to deliver biblically accurate, relatable, story-driven digital content to our readers each week.

Double Your Impact During Our Fall Fundraiser

As a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Ministry, we are supported by the freewill offerings of God’s people. With your help, we can cultivate the resources we need to faithfully disciple our growing community.

To finish this year without a deficit, we seek to raise an additional $24,000 in support during our Fall Fundraiser. By the grace of God, we have secured $12,000 in matching gifts from faithful supporters of Living by Design Ministries.

This means that EVERY dollar donated will be DOUBLED through midnight on December 13. **Up to $1,000 per donor until the matching funds are exhausted.**

Will you prayerfully consider investing in this life-changing ministry during our Fall Fundraiser?


As a special token of our gratitude for your support, we are giving away the original watercolors that Kory Callihan created for our Storyteller study as thank-you gifts.

The first thirty people who donate $120 or more during our Fall Fundraiser will receive an original 8×10 parable-inspired art piece as a thank-you gift. A minimum of ten watercolors will be reserved as thank-you gifts for donors who contribute $10 – $119 in support of our Fall Fundraiser. We will randomly select names at the fundraiser’s end, and notify you if your name is drawn.

If you are an international donor, please include the name and USA shipping address of someone you would like to receive the item on your behalf during the donation process.

We don’t have the words to express our gratitude to Kory for creating and gifting this original artwork in support of our free Bible study ministry. We are excited to pass along these one-of-a-kind pieces to our supporters. We pray that they will serve as a treasured reminder of how much we value our ministry partners.

We understand that many of our readers cannot donate at this time. If that is you, be encouraged! Your prayers, shares, and stories are also essential elements of our overall fundraising strategy.  

Thank you for partnering with us in our mission to deliver free Bible studies to inboxes worldwide.

Your Bible Study Partner, Sarah Koontz

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Picture of About the Author: Sarah Koontz

About the Author: Sarah Koontz

Sarah Koontz is the founder of Living by Design Ministries, a non-profit organization that exists to deliver free Bible Studies to inboxes around the world. She is a passionate storyteller who enjoys using illustrations to communicate deep spiritual truths. Sarah and her husband Ryan live on thirteen acres in the heart of the Black Hills, SD. They have two beautiful daughters, a rowdy flock of chickens, and a house full of foster kittens. Sarah is an avid gardener, a faithful coffee drinker, lover of one-pot-dinners, an unexpected homeschooler, and a Dallas Seminary student.

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