What is the P-R-I-C-E? 5 Questions To Help You Make Wise Financial Decisions

Finances are important. They matter to God. And He hasn't left us to navigate the big financial decisions of life alone. Here are 5 questions my husband and I ask ourselves before all our big financial decisions. These simple questions have become a financial lifeline for us in stressful times and protect us from making decisions we would later regret.

Article by: Sarah Koontz, Founder of Living by Design Ministries

I’m not quite sure when I fell in love with my husband.

It took forever, yet happened in the blink of an eye.

Or something like that.

We had been good friends for about a year before I allowed myself to consider the possibility of there being something more between us.

But once we started to date, it all happened so very quickly.

In fact, just a few short weeks after we started dating, he told me that he had been in love with me for quite some time.

It played out like one of those awkward sitcom moments where someone declares their love and the other person croaks out….umm…..thank you.

Poor guy!

But he graciously accepted my uncertainty and told me he was willing to take it slow and give me as much time as I needed.


I whispered, “I love you too” in his ear.

I think there was this weird part of me that needed to know that he loved me whether or not I loved him back.

But as soon as I was certain he was committed, I gave my him my full heart.

Dating quickly shifted to engagement and a few short months later we ran down the isle and said “I do.”

Well, we didn’t actually run.

Our 12 years of marriage have been marked by three shared core values:

  1. To honor God and submit to His authority in every aspect of our lives
  2. To place a priority on family and community above our financial and career goals
  3. To make wise financial decisions while focusing on relationships over possessions
Our marriage has been marked by three shared core values. Click to Tweet

Finances are important. They matter to God. And He hasn't left us to navigate the big financial decisions of life alone. Here are 5 questions my husband and I ask ourselves before all our big financial decisions. These simple questions have become a financial lifeline for us in stressful times and protect us from making decisions we would later regret.

These values have affected every moment of the life we have built together and served as a pillar of light when the storms of life threatened to blow us off course.

Of the values I mentioned above, sticking to number three is the most difficult.

I like pretty things.
I love shopping for sales.
I want what others have.

The only way I have found the strength to stand up to these likes, loves, wants is to know that what I’m choosing is better.

Because every possession we acquire has a price tag.

Sure, it may cost a pretty penny, but the costs don’t stop there.

  • Nothing will compromise my peace of mind quicker than a poor purchase.
  • Nothing will invite strife into my marriage quicker than a poor financial decision.
  • Nothing clutters up my home faster than impulse purchases.

Our financial decisions affect the health of our family, our marriage, and our body.

Before we make a purchase, we must also consider the emotional and spiritual cost of the item. Click to Tweet

After several of paying down debt and living well below our means, my husband and I were presented with the opportunity to build our dream home in the country.

Even in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the building process, we never forgot the importance of our three core values.

When I was tempted to like, love, or want…I gently reminded myself less is more.

We could have gone bigger, but we chose better.

Poor financial habits impact each and every aspect of our lives. #yourmoneygodsway Click to Tweet

Finances are important. They matter to God. And He hasn't left us to navigate the big financial decisions of life alone. Here are 5 questions my husband and I ask ourselves before all our big financial decisions. These simple questions have become a financial lifeline for us in stressful times and protect us from making decisions we would later regret.


Throughout our home building project we learned to ask ourselves five questions before every big financial decision. These simple questions became a financial lifeline for us in stressful times and protected us from making decisions we would later regret.

When we are dealing with a big financial decision, we always ask, “What is the P-R-I-C-E?”

  • P-urpose
  • R-isk
  • I-ntrinsic Value
  • C-ommitment
  • E-motional Investment

By taking the time to evaluate all five aspects of a purchase before we make our final decision, we are easily able to spot red flags and deal breakers.

Last week, I was honored to share all the juicy details behind the P-R-I-C-E acronym on Steve Repak’s radio show titled, “Your Money God’s Way.”

We had such fun getting to know one another and discussing the benefits of asking these 5 simple questions before making big financial decisions.

The show aired live on the Just Jesus Radio Network on Friday, May 5 at 5pm Eastern, but Steve generously shared a copy of the interview with me.

Because, of course, I wanted to share it with you!

Are you seeking God before making big financial decisions? #yourmoneygodsway @steverepak Click to Tweet

Click here to download the Mp3 file to your device, or simply press play on the media player below:

I know you are busy, so I’ve shared some important time-stamps below so you can jump to the portion of the interview that interests you most:

2:13   –    My Story: From Professional Golfer to Christian Writer
4:27   –    An Introduction to My Free Psalm 119 Study (Click Here for More Info)
8:19   –    An Overview of the PRICE Acronym
13:48 –   P is for Purpose
17:00 –   R is for Risk
19:11 –   I is for Intrinsic Value
21:19 –  C is for Commitment
24:18 –  E is for Emotional Investment

Finances are important. They matter to God. And He hasn't left us to navigate the big financial decisions of life alone. Here are 5 questions my husband and I ask ourselves before all our big financial decisions. These simple questions have become a financial lifeline for us in stressful times and protect us from making decisions we would later regret.

Some Closing Thoughts 

I don’t often talk finances here on the blog.

That’s probably because I consider my husband to be the financial expert of the household (not me!).

But I truly enjoyed preparing for this interview because it reminded me of how deeply our financial decisions affect the rest of our life.

Finances are important.

They matter to God.

And He hasn’t left us to navigate the big financial decisions of life alone.

If you are looking for tools and resources to help guide you on your financial journey, I highly recommend the resources developed by Crown Ministries and Dave Ramsay.

Looking for tools and resources to help guide you on your financial journey? Click to Tweet

My husband and I went through both programs early in our marriage and they helped us learn how to honor God with our financial decisions.

As we seek to honor God with our finances, He promises to graciously provide wisdom, understanding, and knowledge for the journey.

By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established;  by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches. Proverbs 24:3-4 

Bible Study with Sarah Koontz

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Picture of About the Author: Sarah Koontz

About the Author: Sarah Koontz

Sarah Koontz is the founder of Living by Design Ministries, a non-profit organization that exists to deliver free Bible Studies to inboxes around the world. She is a passionate storyteller who enjoys using illustrations to communicate deep spiritual truths. Sarah and her husband Ryan live on thirteen acres in the heart of the Black Hills, SD. They have two beautiful daughters, a rowdy flock of chickens, and a house full of foster kittens. Sarah is an avid gardener, a faithful coffee drinker, lover of one-pot-dinners, an unexpected homeschooler, and a Dallas Seminary student.

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