Five Ways to Be More Consistent with Your Bible Study Routine

Christian woman at the table with her coffee and open Bible, struggling with her Bible study routine

By Sarah Frazer

My Bible lay unopened, and once again, the guilt stabbed my heart. Why can’t I get it together? I thought to myself. 

Going to bed with shame about not reading my Bible was the theme of my story for many years. 

I might fall into the habit and read the Bible for a couple of days but then find myself going a week and a half without reading. 

Yes, I went to church every Sunday. 

I loved listening to our preacher speak about God’s Word and teach us biblical truth. 

At the time, my husband and I served as youth leaders for the middle and high school kids at our church. 

I would tell the youth girls to read their Bible more, but deep inside, I knew I wanted to have a more consistent Bible study routine. 

Christian woman at a table with her open Bible and head bowed in prayer

Something Had to Change 

Not until I had three children under 6 years old did I realize how much I needed God’s Word in my life. In a moment of crisis and panic, I finally knew something had to change. But I had no idea what I was doing. 

I didn’t even know where to start reading. As a mom with little ones whose Bible lay dusty on the table, I decided to begin with the first book of the Bible—Genesis.

Trying to have a consistent Bible routine was hard. 

I soon realized I needed more than just a plan—I needed a partner. 

The ladies at our church met on a night of the week I couldn’t attend. My husband worked strange hours so I invited a few women to my house to study the Bible on a night of the week that did work for me. 

I had the plan and the accountability, but often I crammed three or four days of Bible study homework into one day. 

Developing consistency has been a struggle my entire life, but over the last 15 years, I’ve discovered a few things that have helped. 

Maybe you’ve tried some of these ideas, but perhaps one tip might be helpful in your journey. 

Christian woman at a coffee shop to maintain her Bible study routine

How to Be More Consistent with Our Bible Study Routine 

1 – Decide ahead of time to do it. 

All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” – 2 Timothy 3:16-17 HCSB

When we make Bible study a priority in our lives, it helps us wake up each day with God’s Word on our minds. 

If we really believe God’s Word lights our path, we will seek God more and more. The more we see it as beneficial and necessary in our lives, the more we can make it a priority. 

2 – Be creative. 

“The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever.” – Psalm 119:160 HCSB

Not all quiet times and Bible study moments need to be “quiet.” God’s Word never changes, but sometimes our lives change. 

Routines and seasons may shift our days, but we can be creative in putting God’s Word into our day. 

Maybe this means getting up earlier or reading while we eat breakfast or lunch. Avoid fitting it in at the last minute. 

3 – Choose a daily routine to pair with Bible study. 

“May the Lord be praised! Day after day He bears our burdens; God is our salvation. Selah” – Psalm 68:19 HCSB

God wants to meet with us daily. Is there a meal we can eat alone and invite God to sit with us and pray while we eat?

Maybe we can listen to a sermon or Scripture read aloud on the commute to work. I love drinking my coffee at a certain time each morning and added my Bible reading and study time to this simple routine. 

Christian women meeting at a coffee shop for Bible study accountability

4 – Find a partner for accountability. 

“Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts.” – Ecclesiastes 4:9 HCSB

One of the best things I’ve done is read and study the Bible with a partner (or more than one!). 

Right now I meet with a friend every other week and we study the book of James together. We have a devotion we use, but knowing I’ll meet with her helps me stay consistent in my daily study. 

Find someone with whom you can read and study the Bible together. Offer to text and encourage each other, and commit to meeting once a month or every other week. 

5 – Have a plan. 

“The plans of the diligent certainly lead to profit, but anyone who is reckless certainly becomes poor.” – Proverbs 21:5

I used to wake up each morning having no idea what or where I was going to study in the Bible. I ended up reading random passages and often didn’t even understand the Scripture. 

Getting a daily plan to study the Bible helps with consistency. Print off a free reading plan or Bible study here.

Christian woman at the table with her coffee and Bible to follow her Bible reading plan

A Consistent Bible Study Routine Deepens Our Relationship with God 

No planning or preparation will be perfect, but we have this promise: whenever we meet with God, He will show up. 

Guilt and shame can pull us away from all the good He has planned. 

Keep turning to the pages of His Word no matter what.

These tips and shifts in mindsets are not magic formulas. They won’t automatically make us feel a certain way, but a consistent time with God can change our lives. 

Cultivating a new Bible reading habit might be a slow process. We may miss some days along the way. But each day is a fresh start. 

No matter where we start with our Bible study routine, we are not behind. 

God is always ready and willing to meet with us.

Start today, friend.  

Sarah Frazer

Sarah E. Frazer writes regularly for the Proverbs 31 First5 app and With a background in missionary work and Bible teaching, her passion is to encourage women to find peace in the pages of God’s Word. Follow her on Instagram at @sarah_e_frazer. Check out her brand new book, I Didn’t Sign Up for This, available anywhere books are sold.

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