Article by: Sarah Koontz, Founder of Living by Design Ministries
Until recently, I would have never referred to myself as a “creative” or an “artist.”
Why not, you ask?
It’s simple really.
My hands cannot create the beauty my eye longs for.
My children’s stick figure drawings tower over my own and I can almost hear them whisper, “Even your kids can draw better than you can, Sarah! You should just give up.”
But my stick figures are stubborn, and they are brave, and they don’t care what everyone else thinks.
So they calmly turn to the well crafted figurines drafted by my 7-year old and pronounce, “My beauty may not be easy for you to detect, but I was created with love and that’s all that matters to me.”
Being creative makes me feel alive.
And even though my artwork isn’t good enough to hang on the fridge alongside my kid’s, it’s still important for me to create.
No, it’s necessary for me to create.
Because I was created to create.
In fact, we were all created to create.
In that vein, I think it is time for us all to take a moment to redefine art, to expand on its definition.
When I create a healthy and nutritious meal for my family, that’s art.
When I create a blog post for you to read and enjoy, that’s art.
When I create a cute outfit that makes me feel stylish, that’s art.
Just because I don’t draw well, that doesn’t mean I’m not an artist…It just means that my artistic talents are hidden elsewhere.
In the same way that my poor singing doesn’t preclude me from participating in joyful worship, my mediocre drawing skills don’t preclude me from participating in the joy of creating.
What type of Creating Nourishes Your Soul?
We are surrounded by masterpieces, and everyday is infused with artistic talent and a desire to create.
We’ve just got to figure out what type of creating feeds our soul and nourishes our artistic longings.
Ecclesiastes 9:10 says, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might.”
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might. -Ecclesiastes 9:10 Click to TweetThe important thing is that “whatever we do” we do it with “all our might.”
And that we find the courage to stand up to the bully inside of us that is constantly telling us that our art isn’t good enough.
If you are anything like me, and your poorly crafted stick figures make you doubt your artistic abilities, I encourage you t hold fast to the words of Colossians 3:23-24, and never forget your ultimate purpose for creating.
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”
Our true reward will never be found in the praises of men, because we create for an audience of One.
Our true reward will never be found in the praises of men, because we create for an audience of One. Click to TweetAnd God doesn’t discriminate.
He doesn’t judge our artwork.
Because we are His creation.
And He asked us to create for His glory.
We are Surrounded by Creativity
I am overwhelmed by the beautiful people in my life who are embracing their creativity and using their artistic abilities to glorify God.
My best friend creates the most amazing recipes, while my aunt creates an atmosphere of fun and laughter wherever she goes.
A friend from church captures the most artistic photographs of God’s creation, while my neighbor dedicates her children’s nap-time to diligently crafting her first novel.
My oldest daughter sings the most beautiful melodies while my youngest prefers to play them on her piano; my husband builds intricate models while I prefer the simplicity of building a cozy home for my family to enjoy.
Creativity surrounds me and astounds me.
It challenges me and inspires me.
It reminds me of my Creator.
God is the artist who paints the sunrise, the musician who orchestrates nature’s melody, the sculptor who gently shapes the hearts of mankind.
Our Creator paints the sunrise, orchestrates nature’s melody, and sculpts the hearts of mankind. Click to TweetOur Heavenly father daily reveals himself to use through His artwork, but we are His greatest artistic achievement of all.
Sometimes it’s difficult to be a child of the Great Artist.
No matter how hard we try, our artwork will never be as beautiful as His.
That is, until, we invite Him in and ask Him to create something beautiful out of our lives.
What were you created to create?
What creative endeavor makes your heart beat a little faster every time you think of it?
What task draws you into the presence of God and leaves you longing to dwell there?
What kind of art inspires you to work harder, do better, be more?
You answer to these three questions will unleash the artist hiding within your soul and free you from the voice that dares to hold you back.
Three simple questions to unleash the artist hiding within your soul and help you begin to create. Click to TweetToday, I challenge you to create something beautiful for Him…for His glory.
Somewhere in the midst of creating, you will discover why you were created to create.
And even if your art never lives up to the world’s standard of beauty, take hope in the fact that the one who created you is pleased with your efforts.
Because you are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that you are to walk in (Ephesians 2:10).
So get busy creating and never be ashamed to call yourself an artist, because we are all artists…in our own blissfully unique way.
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