Recognizing God as Creator of all things and accepting His Word as authoritative are foundational aspects of this ministry.
One of our primary goals is to help God’s people understand God’s character and apply God’s revelation to their lives.
God is Creator; we are His creation. As such, we exist for His glory and good pleasure.
He is the only One with the authority to label us and define us. He is the Person to whom we need to look for guidance and instruction as we seek to navigate this life.
I am saddened by how many created ones simply deny their Creator and seek to define themselves apart from His divine revelation.
They don’t know why they desire to be their own gods and live for their own pleasure. They are cut off from the Source of life, and their existence is devoid of truth and hope.
They enter each day without understanding who they are, why they are here, and what they are supposed to do.
Most origin stories fail to establish a clear purpose for human existence. Their failure to give humanity a viable reason for living invites aimlessness and hopelessness into the human story.
The biblical creation story gives us a clear and accurate picture of our origins and our Originator.
The Christian view of God as almighty, sovereign Creator of the universe is distinct because it truly answers the question, “Why am I here?”
It helps us understand God’s divine intentions for humankind while also illuminating what went wrong and how God has reconciled the situation (2 Cor 5:18-21).
Without God’s Word, I too would be a wanderer in this world—dependent on my own limited resources to navigate this life.
The Bible is my instruction manual and guidebook for life on planet Earth. It is the truth upon which my life, and my hope of eternal life, are built.
Thankfully, our Heavenly Father has made Himself known to us through Scripture.
What is Biblical Anthropology?
In order to equip my fellow Christians to be lights in the darkness, I must first help them establish a biblical anthropology (an understanding of humanity from a Christian perspective).
Humanity is diverse and there are many different views of sin, ethnicity, and sexuality.
These views are often based on cultural constructions and need to be measured against the absolute authority of Scripture.
Failure to base one’s identity on God’s truth and His promises will result in corruption, shame, and brokenness.
The effects of sin are pervasive, self-justification is rampant, and self-rationalization is everywhere.
Thankfully, God has given us everything we need to break free from the power of sin (1 Jn 3:4-10) and stand firm against the schemes of the devil (Eph 6:11-12).
One of the main purposes of our ministry is to help people see the “light of the gospel of the glory of Christ” (2 Cor 4:4) and experience abundant life in Christ (Jn 10:10).
The devastating consequences of our cultural bent and the dangers of lawlessness fuel my passion for educational ministries.
If we can teach students to think and live biblically, we can prepare them to stand firm in their faith when the storms of life roll in (Mt 7:24-27).
Many Christians do not yet understand the transformative power of God’s Word and the peace and hope that comes from walking in His ways.
This is why we have created a free 5-day study on biblical anthropology. The purpose of our study is to help you better understand who God is and who He has made you to be.
Why is Biblical Anthropology So Important?
The Bible teaches us that God created humankind to be His image-bearers (Imago Dei is the Latin translation of “Image of God” as found in Genesis 1:26).
Because of the Bible, we know that God created the world on purpose for a purpose. We also know that humankind rebelled against God and the fallen creation no longer reflects God’s glory as intended.
The Bible reveals the ways God is actively redeeming His creation and re-establishing His divine rule in the hearts of humankind.
We need not attempt to navigate this life with our own wisdom or in our own strength. God has provided heavenly instruction and divine resources to help us make the most of our earthly existence.
In this brief study of biblical anthropology, we will seek to answer the following questions:
Day 1: Who is God?
Day 2: Why did God create humankind?
Day 3: What went wrong with God’s creation?
Day 4: How bad is the problem of sin, really?
Day 5: What did God do in order to redeem humankind?
Each day, we will dig deep into a critical passage of Scripture in our effort to establish a biblical view of humanity. We will also consider complementary passages and thought-provoking application questions.
All you need to complete this free online Bible study is 15 minutes per day and an e-mail address.
You will receive a welcome e-mail within fifteen minutes of registering and the first devotional will arrive in your inbox tomorrow morning.
Printable Worksheets
Strengthen your observation skills and increase your Bible knowledge.
audio version
Listen and learn on-the-go with our MP3 downloads of the study material.
coloring pages
Utilize both hemispheres of your brain as you color and meditate on the Bible.
Digital artwork
Fill your home with uplifting reminders of the beautiful truth woven into this study
6 quick facts about the Imago Dei Bible Study:
- You can start any time! The study is just five days long.
- It’s convenient! The study comes straight to your e-mail each day.
- It’s quick! You can complete the study in less than 15-minutes per day.
- It’s free! And who doesn’t love FREE?!?
- An audio version is included! So you can listen and learn on the go!
- You get bonus gifts! We’ve packed the study with lots of digital freebies.
Thanks to the generous donations of our Discipleship Team and our Support Team, this study is available for free to anyone who wishes to participate.
Regardless of race, culture, behavior, or views—all humans have intrinsic value, inherent dignity, and desperately need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I believe that the most effective way for Christians to influence their community and impact their culture is by ordering their lives according to God’s design and following Christ’s command to love God and love your neighbor as yourself.
In Matthew 7:26 HCSB, Jesus Christ urged His followers to build their lives “upon these words of mine.”
He promises that His Word provides a solid and secure foundation for life on earth. He also warns against approaching our lives apart from, or going against, His Word.
Let’s dedicate the next five days to discovering God’s purpose and plan for humankind.
This blog was originally published on April 12, 2022. During Sarah Koontz’s Sabbatical in 2024, we will be sharing some of our favorite articles and e-mails from the archives with you. Thank you for praying for Sarah and her family as they enjoy this beautiful season of Sabbath rest.
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