Who is God? The Essential Bible Study Question

Christian woman holding a bible studying God's character

by Sandra Bretschneider

God has made Himself known on the pages of Scripture.

When I was a young girl, I sat in Sunday School class and learned about the character of God. 

My teacher taught me about His faithfulness through the story of Noah’s ark, His provision through the manna in the desert, and His grace through the life of Jesus.  

Since that time, I’ve come to personally know the God of the Bible through my salvation in Jesus. I’ve also matured as a disciple and developed my understanding of who He is as a lifelong student of His Word.

Every time we open the Bible, we have an opportunity—a glorious opportunity—to know more about the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end.

The God of the Bible is the One who spoke light and life into existence and offers redemption through His Son.

God has made Himself known on the pages of Scripture. His character is revealed from Genesis to Revelation.

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His character is revealed from Genesis to Revelation. 

Developing our understanding of His character occurs when we meticulously read Scripture and contemplate the essential Bible study question: Who is God?

By taking time to prayerfully consider this question, we will develop our trust in Him, strengthen our hope in His promises, and learn how to live for Him.

Determining who God is as we study the Bible will come easier through careful diligence over time. 

Day after day, as we immerse our minds in the truth of His character, the Holy Spirit will develop our trust, strengthen our hope, and enable us to live for Him. 

two christians studying the bible together asking the essential bible study question about God's character

Knowing God’s Character Develops Our Trust in Him

Actual knowledge of God’s character is more than a shallow acquaintance with His nature. It is a deep realization of the quality of His person that is deeply rooted in the revelation of Scripture. 

When we read about how God provided for the Israelites, we discover that we can trust Him to provide for us too. When we read about God’s sovereignty through the story of Job, we grow to trust God’s sovereignty in our lives as well.  

Having a deep understanding of God’s character as we study the Bible strengthens our faith in Him.

Psalm 9:10 ESV says, “And those who know Your name put their trust in You, for You, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You.”  

The word “trust” in Psalm 9:10 comes from the Hebrew word “batach,” which signifies a bold confidence or security in the Lord.  

When we know His character, our trust will remain steadfast in Him.

Having a deep understanding of God’s character as we study the Bible strengthens our faith in Him.

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Knowing God’s Character Strengthens Our Hope in His Promises

Our ever-present God is wise beyond measure, mightier than a fierce storm, and merciful in His unconditional love.

He has promised to be with us, guide us, equip us, strengthen us, and give us eternal life.

When we have a deep-in-our-soul, unshakeable understanding of God’s character, our hope is built upon His all-sufficiency and ability to keep the promises He has made.

Reading about God’s faithfulness in Scripture assures us that He will fulfill every promise in His Word. 

Learning about God’s holiness and righteousness in Scripture is proof His promises are pure and good. Undeniably, our hope is secure in Him.

smiling christian woman holding a bible and studying god's character

Knowing God’s Character Teaches Us How to Live for Him

God created us to glorify Him (Is 43:7). When we grow in our understanding of who He is, we also learn how to live for Him. 

Psalm 25:4-5a ESV says, “Make me to know Your ways, O LORD; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me,” 

God’s character and ways are revealed in Scripture. We are given the great privilege—through the help of the Holy Spirit—to glorify Him by realigning our lives with His ways.

Learning more about God’s holiness directs us to live holy lives for Him. Obtaining a fuller understanding of His love teaches us to love others too. Rooting our minds in His faithfulness challenges us to remain faithful to complete the work He has called us to.

God’s character and ways are revealed in Scripture. We are given the great privilege—through the help of the Holy Spirit—to glorify Him by realigning our lives with His ways.

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What a privilege it is for us to know the God who spun the planets into orbit and defeated death through His resurrection.

He is matchless in knowledge, wisdom, faithfulness, goodness, love, mercy, holiness, peace, righteousness, beauty, and glory.

He is our all-sufficient God, and all of His character is revealed in His Word.

-Sandra Bretschneider

“In Knowing the Shepherd, Sandra invites you on a four-week study of the many names of God so you, too, can understand how necessary it is to seek His guidance through the ups and downs of life. Studying the names of God is a worthwhile endeavor for all Christians, but it is especially beneficial for mothers. God’s names reveal His attributes, character, and nature; this knowledge equips us to reflect His image in our homes. In this powerful study, Sandra Bretschneider guides Christian mothers on a journey of discovery and renewal. Her heartfelt stories, thoughtful commentary, piercing reflection questions will equip you to learn and apply the rich truth of Scripture to your life. I have partnered with Sandra on several writing projects in the past, and her insight into Scripture and ability to ask thought-provoking questions always encourages me. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is searching for intimacy with God and a purpose-filled existence. Studying God’s names will help increase your faith and strengthen your belief in His ability to care for you. As you draw near to El Roi, the God who sees you, you will find the strength you need to navigate the ups and downs of motherhood.”

Sarah Koontz

Founder of Living by Design Ministries

Sandra Bretschneider enjoys pursuing outdoor adventures with her husband and three young daughters. She is a writer and speech-language pathologist who has a passion for helping other women dive deeper into God’s Word. She holds a certificate in biblical studies, which equipped her to write several “Going Deeper Guides” as a creative partner for Living by Design Ministries. Her book, “Knowing the Shepherd: A Names of God Bible Study for Moms” is designed to help women develop a deeper understanding of God’s character. You can also connect with Sandra on Instagram.

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