If it wasn’t for a co-worker living out his faith at my job, I probably wouldn’t know Jesus today.
In college, I worked at a local grocery store to earn some extra cash.
I often stocked shelves at work. My co-workers and I talked with each other as we unboxed groceries and shelved products around the store.
I enjoyed talking with one of my co-workers—an older man whose joy stood out to me.
I had never seen anyone so filled with joy. He was also loving and kind for no reason.
He was different from anyone I had ever met.
This co-worker often shared about his family and always wanted to hear how I was doing.
He listened and encouraged me. He was like a loving father.
As I got to know my co-worker more, I discovered why he was so joyful, kind, and loving—he knew Jesus.
Through his invitation, I gave my life to Jesus in the soda aisle of that grocery store.
My co-worker’s diligence to live out his faith in our workplace was how I became a Christian.
Sharing the gospel in the workplace can change people’s lives.
Our witness can make others curious about who Christ is, and it can even lead them to God.
Jesus has put us in our job for a reason.
It’s an opportunity to show others who He is.
The Bible shows us practical ways to live out our faith at home, work, and everywhere in between.
Here are three ways to live out our faith before those who may not know who Jesus really is.
The Bible shows us practical ways to live out our faith in the workplace. Our job is an opportunity to show others who He is. Click to Tweet3 Ways to Live Out Our Faith in the Workplace
1 – Invest in Relationships
“This is My command: Love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, that someone would lay down his life for his friends.” – John 15:12-13 HCSB
Invest in one-on-one relationships with others to show Jesus’ love.
This focused relationship gives a window into a co-worker’s personal life and opens the door to pray for her.
Additionally, we can model the love of Jesus by listening and being present—walking with her in whatever she’s going through and extending a helping hand.
As we invest in the lives of others, we can share and demonstrate how Jesus helps us walk through struggles.
2 – Be an Example of His Peace
“Casting all your care on Him, because He cares about you.” – 1 Peter 5:7 HCSB
Work can easily be a place full of stress.
Deadlines to meet.
Difficult customers.
A demanding boss.
But, how we respond is important. We can choose to be a light for Jesus.
We can live out our faith well by not complaining or grumbling, but by demonstrating peace in hardships.
We can give Jesus the things that feel hard about work through prayer.
As we lay our frustrations at the feet of Jesus, we demonstrate our trust in Him to handle whatever we face.
And as we are released from a complaining spirit at work, we are better positioned to model the joy of the Lord to our co-workers.
When our co-workers see us walking in peace rather than stress, they will become curious about why our response is different.
This godly example provides an opportunity to share the gospel.
3 – Exhibit the Attributes of Jesus
“Even a young man is known by his actions—if his behavior is pure and upright.” – Proverbs 20:11 HCSB
Sometimes we might be tempted to take the path of less resistance at work.
Cut corners like we see others doing.
Joining in on break room gossip.
Lying to cover up a mistake.
But, to live out our faith well requires us to be people of integrity.
If we want to be known as trustworthy and faithful, we must be consistent in emulating Jesus in our workplace each day.
Our co-workers will know our character by what we do. Our actions should match our words and reflect our faith.
We can be faithful witnesses in our workplace by obeying what the Bible teaches.
Living out our faith means being people of integrity. Click to TweetHow to Prepare Ourselves to Represent God in the Workplace
Here are some practical ways to prepare ourselves as God’s representatives each morning:
- Pray to represent Jesus well at work. The Holy Spirit lives within us and can empower us to share the gospel in a way that makes others want to know Jesus.
- Read the Bible. To be a godly representative, we must regularly read and study God’s Word.
- Rely on Jesus. Consistently rely on God throughout your work day. Don’t just pray in the morning, but be in prayer all day. Ask the Lord for help and guidance throughout the day.
Living out our faith in the workplace can be daunting, but grounding ourselves in God’s Word helps us point our co-workers to Christ.
How will we live out our faith at work today?
– Nikki Evanson
Nikki Evanson is a wife and mother to two beautiful children. She helps and equips Christian women to live for Jesus by following Matthew 22:37-39. You can find her website at nikkievanson.com, or connect with her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
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